Child Support Cases Are Often Complicated in California

When California couples decide to get a divorce, there are several factors that have to be considered. When children are involved in the divorce, matters like child custody and child support become important. Some of our readers might remember our post last week in which we discussed the case of Sherri Shepherd’s surrogate who is now on the hook for child support since Shepherd has divorced her husband. The husband has had to file for assistance for the child through the state, which is what triggered the child support issue.

While not everyone who has children will go through a child support case as complex as the one that the surrogate is going through, any child support case can be a challenge. Both parents likely want to support their children, but sometimes, the level of support the child needs might create a financial burden for the paying parent. Not having a large enough child support payment amount could potentially end up making the custodial parent’s finances too low to care for the child.

We know that child support is a touchy subject. We also understand that many people who are in the midst of a child custody or child support case have questions about what factors are considered in these cases. We can help you understand how factors such as parental income, daycare costs, and medical expenses can impact child support cases.

Anyone who is going through a child support case likely has questions. Some people might question if the other parent is hiding income or assets. We work closely with you to uncover the truths that are necessary in any child support case.

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